One would be hard pressed to impart actual figures relating to the medical malpractice insurance rates since there is a host of variables which apparently influence the cost of such insurance. To know more visit
PriMed Consulting
PriMed Consulting is one of the largest and most reputable medical malpractice insurance agencies serving NY & NJ
Medical Malpractice Insurance in New York
New York is one of the few states with no legal reform to place a cap on malpractice payouts. This factor, combined with the higher-than-average rates of malpractice claims, has resulted in the steady rise of medical malpractice insurance premiums. For more...
DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance Brokers
Our company is built on many things—knowledge, experience, resources, trust. This has never been truer than at DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance. Established in 1960, Anthony J. DiBuduo and Leonard T. DeFendis turned a lifelong friendship into a highly successful and...
Browse Our Special Business Program Packages
Wiedemann Insurance Agency offer extensive loss control programs and will work with you to prevent claims and ultimately save you money.